Pet insurance policies are underwritten by Independence American Insurance Company

Filing a claim is easy with AKC Pet Insurance!

Pay Your Vet
Pay Your Vet
Visit any licensed vet or clinic in the US or Canada, pay your bill, and get an itemized receipt.
File a Claim
File a Claim
Submit your claim in the customer portal or by email, fax, or mail. Whatever's easiest for you!
Get Reimbursed
Get Reimbursed
Eligible expenses will be repaid by check or direct deposit (your choice).

Filing a Pet Insurance Claim FAQs

Got questions? Review frequently asked questions below or reach out to our world-class Customer Care Team.

What Is AKC Pet Insurance's Reimbursement Process?

Eligible expenses will be reimbursed back to you after your claim has been approved.

What Is Eligible for Coverage?

Eligibility is based on your policy, your veterinarian's recommendations, and supporting medical records. Payments are assessed based on reasonable and customary charges in your area for eligible testing /treatment provided. In addition, your plan's deductible will be applied if it has not been met.

How Long Does the Claims Process Take?

Policyholders will receive acknowledgement of claim receipt immediately after submitting in the portal or by email, or within 1 business day of receipt for faxed and mailed claims. We will assign claims to an agent within 2 business days of receipt. Claims submitted with all documentation and requiring no further review will typically be finalized and payment initiated within 1 business day of claim assignment. Determination and payment of claims with documentation and requiring further review will typically be initiated within 2 business days of receipt of information. Claims requiring additional vet records can take up to 30 days, which includes receipt of records from the vet. Times may vary depending on the claim. Please check your portal for updates on claim status and contact the Customer Care Team with any questions.

Thanks for partnering with us to protect your pet's health!